Penile Enlargement Surgery doctor in India

Dr Gautam Banga | Best Doctor for Penile Enlargement Surgery in India

Dr Gautam Banga | Best Doctor for Penile Enlargement Surgery in India

Looking for the best Penile Enlargement Surgery doctor in India? Dr. Gautam Banga is a specialist in doing Penile Enlargement Surgery. Penile enlargement surgery is also called penile augmentation or phalloplasty. It is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the size of the penis.

Treatment Options for Penile Enlargement

Penile Lengthening

Penile Girth Enhancement

Penile Implants

Advantages of Penile Enlargement Surgery;

  • Increased Penis Size
  • Improved Self-Image
  • Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction
  • Correction of Congenital or Acquired Deformities
  • Alternative for Severe Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. Gautam Banga, renowned for his expertise in penile enlargement surgery, brings decades of specialized experience and dedication to the field. With a commitment to patient care and safety, Dr. Gautam Banga has successfully performed numerous procedures, utilizing advanced techniques to enhance both length and girth of the penis.

His comprehensive approach ensures personalized treatment plans tailored to meet individual aesthetic and functional goals, fostering trust and satisfaction among his patients. Dr. Gautam Banga’s reputation extends globally, making him a sought-after authority in penile enlargement surgery, where his precision and skill consistently deliver exceptional results.

Penile Enlargement Surgery doctor in India

Dr. Gautam Banga | Best Doctor for Peyronie’s Disease in India

Dr. Gautam Banga | Best Doctor for Peyronie’s Disease in India

Looking for the best Peyronie’s Disease treatment doctor in Delhi, India? Dr. Gautam Banga is a specialist in treating Peyronie’s Disease. Peyronie’s disease condition is referred to as the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis resulting in causing curved and painful erections. This makes sexual intercourse difficult or impossible by leading to erectile dysfunction.


  • Curved or bent penis
  • Pain
  • Scar tissue
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Shortened penis

Risk Factors

  • Age (more common in older men)
  • Genetics
  • Connective tissue disorders

Treatment Options for Peyronie’s Disease

Non-Surgical Treatments

  • Medications
  • Traction therapy
  • Shockwave therapy

Surgical Treatments

  • Nesbit procedure
  • Grafting
  • Penile implants

Dr. Gautam Banga is a reconstructive urologist and microsurgeon with over 13 years of experience, specializing in the treatment of Peyronies disease. He has gained international recognition for his expertise in urethra and penile surgery. Dr. Banga’s comprehensive approach includes both non-surgical and surgical options tailored to individual patient needs, aiming to improve penile curvature and overall sexual function. His extensive experience and high success rates make him a sought-after specialist in the field. For more details, visit his profile.

Penile Enlargement Surgery doctor in India

Best Doctor for Penile Implant Surgery in Delhi

Looking for the best Penile Implant Surgery doctor in Delhi? Dr. Gautam Banga is a specialist surgeon for Penile Implant Surgery. Penile implant surgery or penile prosthesis surgery, is a medical treatment used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) when other treatments have been ineffective. This surgical implant involves the placement of a device inside the penis, which helps allow men to achieve an erection suitable for sexual intercourse.

Types of Penile Implants

  • Inflatable Implants or three-piece Inflatable Implants – These consist of a pump placed in the scrotum, a fluid reservoir beneath the abdominal wall, and two cylinders implanted in the penis. To produce an erection, the pump transfers fluid to the cylinders from the reservoir.
  • Two-piece Inflatable Implants – This is similar to the three-piece implants, but the reservoir is combined with the pump in the scrotum.
  • Malleable (Semi-rigid) Rods – This consists of the flexible roads inserted into the penis also called malleable (semi-rigid) rods. The penis is still flexible but firm, and it can be moved by hand.

Advantages of Penile Implant Surgery
1. High Success and Satisfaction Rates

2. Improved Quality of Life

3. Natural Appearance and Feel

4. Spontaneity

5. Long-Term Solution

6. Non-Interference with Other Medications

7. Minimal Maintenance

8. Psychological Benefits

9. No Need for External Devices

Best Doctor for Penile Implant Surgery in Delhi

Dr. Gautam Banga is a renowned Reconstructive and Microsurgeon based in Delhi, widely respected for his expertise in complex surgical procedures. Among his specialized treatments, Dr. Banga is particularly recognized for his proficiency in Penile Implant Surgery, a procedure aimed at restoring erectile function for men experiencing erectile dysfunction that cannot be resolved through other treatments. His approach blends advanced surgical techniques with compassionate patient care, ensuring each individual receives tailored treatment and support throughout their journey to improved quality of life. Dr. Banga’s commitment to excellence in reconstructive surgery has earned him a distinguished reputation both nationally and internationally.

Also Check: Top Penile Implant Doctor in Delhi NCR

Also Check: Best Hypospadias Surgeon in Delhi

Also Check: Best Hypospadias Surgeon in India

Penile Enlargement Surgery doctor in India

Dr Gautam Banga | Best Hypospadias Surgeon in India

Dr. Gautam Banga, renowned for his expertise and compassionate care, is widely regarded as one of the best hypospadias surgeon in India. When seeking specialized medical care, particularly for conditions like hypospadias, it’s crucial to find a surgeon with expertise and a proven track record. For those in or near the capital, discovering a skilled hypospadias surgeon can make all the difference in ensuring a successful outcome and a smooth recovery.

Understanding Hypospadias

Hypospadias is a congenital condition where the urethra’s opening is not located at the tip of the penis. Instead, it can be found anywhere along the underside of the penis, ranging from just below the tip to the scrotum. This condition often requires surgical correction to ensure normal urination and to enhance the appearance and function of the penis.

Why Choose a Hypospadias Surgeon in India?

India is home to some of India’s most reputable hospitals and medical institutions. The city attracts top medical professionals from around the country, including specialists in pediatric urology and hypospadias repair. Choosing a best hypospadias surgeon in India ensures access to the latest medical technologies and a high standard of care.

Qualities of a Top Hypospadias Surgeon in India

Experience and Specialization: Look for a surgeon with extensive experience in performing hypospadias surgeries. Specialization in pediatric urology or specific training in hypospadias repair is crucial.

Patient Testimonials and Success Rates: Positive feedback from former patients and high success rates can provide assurance of the surgeon’s expertise.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Top hospitals in India are equipped with advanced medical technologies, contributing to better surgical outcomes.

Personalized Care: The best surgeons offer personalized care plans tailored to the individual needs of each patient, ensuring a holistic approach to treatment and recovery.

Top Hospitals for Hypospadias Surgery in India

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS): Known for its cutting-edge research and skilled surgeons, AIIMS is a leading choice for many.

SCI Hospital: SCI International Hospital is a Multispeciality and Surgical hospital in Delhi. Providing advanced healthcare services in over 15 specialties.

Apollo Hospitals: With a team of experienced pediatric urologists, Apollo offers comprehensive care for hypospadias patients.

Fortis Healthcare: Fortis is renowned for its patient-centric approach and advanced surgical techniques.


Finding the right best hypospadias surgeon in Delhi involves careful research and consideration of various factors, including experience, patient reviews, and hospital facilities. By selecting a reputable surgeon, you can ensure that your child receives the best possible care, leading to a successful surgery and a healthier future.

When choosing a hypospadias surgeon in India, remember to consult with multiple specialists and choose the one who makes you feel most confident in their abilities and care approach.

Here is a list of common questions people ask about hypospadias surgery along with their answers:

1. What is hypospadias?

Answer: Hypospadias is a congenital condition where the opening of the urethra is not located at the tip of the penis but somewhere along the underside. This can affect urination and, later in life, sexual function.

2. How is hypospadias diagnosed?

Answer: Hypospadias is typically diagnosed at birth during a physical examination. The doctor will notice the misplaced urethral opening and may order further tests to check for other related abnormalities.

3. When is the best time to perform hypospadias surgery?

Answer: The ideal time for hypospadias surgery is between 6 and 18 months of age. Performing the surgery early allows for better healing and minimizes psychological impact.

4. What are the different types of hypospadias?

Answer: Hypospadias is classified based on the location of the urethral opening: anterior (near the tip), middle (along the shaft), and posterior (near the scrotum). The severity of the condition varies accordingly.

5. What does hypospadias surgery involve?

Answer: Hypospadias surgery, also known as urethroplasty, involves correcting the position of the urethral opening, reconstructing the urethra, and, if necessary, straightening the penis. The procedure typically lasts 1-3 hours, depending on the complexity.

6. What are the risks and complications associated with hypospadias surgery?

Answer: Common risks include bleeding, infection, fistula (an abnormal connection between the urethra and skin), and strictures (narrowing of the urethra). However, complications are relatively rare when performed by experienced surgeons.

7. How long does recovery take after hypospadias surgery?

Answer: Initial recovery usually takes about 1-2 weeks, during which the child should avoid strenuous activities. Complete healing and final results can take a few months. Regular follow-ups with the surgeon are essential to monitor the healing process.

8. Can hypospadias surgery be performed on adults?

Answer: Yes, hypospadias surgery can be performed on adults, although it is more commonly done in infancy. Adult surgery may be more complex and recovery may take longer.

9. What kind of post-operative care is required?

Answer: Post-operative care includes keeping the surgical site clean, administering prescribed medications, and ensuring the child avoids activities that may disrupt healing. Follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor progress and address any issues.

10. How successful is hypospadias surgery?

Answer: Hypospadias surgery has a high success rate, with over 90% of patients achieving satisfactory results. Success largely depends on the severity of the condition and the surgeon’s expertise.

11. How do I prepare my child for hypospadias surgery?

Answer: Preparing your child involves explaining the procedure in an age-appropriate manner, following pre-surgery instructions from the surgeon, and ensuring your child is healthy and free from infections prior to the surgery date.

12. Are there any alternatives to surgery for hypospadias?

Answer: Surgery is the primary treatment for hypospadias. Non-surgical options are generally not viable for correcting the anatomical issues associated with the condition.

13. Will my child need follow-up surgeries after initial hypospadias repair?

Answer: While most children do not require additional surgeries, some cases may need follow-up procedures to correct complications such as fistulas or strictures.

14. How can I find the best hypospadias surgeon?

Answer: Look for a surgeon with specialized training in pediatric urology, extensive experience in hypospadias surgery, positive patient testimonials, and a high success rate. Consulting with multiple specialists and choosing one affiliated with a reputable hospital can also help in making an informed decision.

15. Can hypospadias affect fertility if not treated properly?

Answer: If left untreated, severe hypospadias can potentially impact fertility and sexual function. Proper surgical correction usually resolves these issues, allowing normal function and development.